Announcement | Azure SQL Database endpoint connection with Virtual Network

Yesterday Microsoft announced a most awaited feature which will help in enhancing security for Azure SQL Databases. Now it is possible to add Azure SQL databases to a VNet and thus provide an extra layer of security and control on who can access your Database.

with this it is now possible to control your incoming and outgoing traffic to and from your database servers.. It is currently in preview bur soon will come in GA,

Why Use Azure SQL Databases over Amazon RDS to host MS SQL

If you are planning to use Microsoft SQL Server databases on Cloud, and are looking for DBaaS(Database as a Service) options, there are 2 popular options available

  1. Microsoft Azure SQL Database Service
  2. Amazon RDS (Relational Database as a Service)

Though both the services have their own way of hosting, for Microsoft SQL workloads, Azure is a preferred option due to below reasons Continue reading “Why Use Azure SQL Databases over Amazon RDS to host MS SQL”