Understanding PaaS | For Beginners with Practical Scenarios

PaaS“,  this buzz word has been introduced around 2015 with the evolution of Cloud Computing. There are multiple articles explaining the famous IaaS Vs PaaS Vs SaaS diagram but only few talks about the real case. I know people still confuse about the same hence thought of writing a series. This is the first part which explains PaaS For Beginners. So lets get started Continue reading “Understanding PaaS | For Beginners with Practical Scenarios”

Comparing various Azure container services – What is right for you ?

Microsoft is rapidly increasing its support for container services and launching new products to support current world requirement. However for people who are starting to learn container, it is getting a bit confusing. I have decided to summarize various services hoping that it may help you choosing the right product for your development. Continue reading “Comparing various Azure container services – What is right for you ?”

How to Generate Service Principal Name (SPN) with Azure Active Directory using Portal

These days it is a common ask to integrate your application with Azure Active Directory  (AAD).  Most of the services like AKS in Azure itself need a SPN to provision itself. Though it is a very straight forward task via CLI, yet sometimes people face challenges in doing it via Portal. Let me discuss first the prerequisite and steps to generate the same. Continue reading “How to Generate Service Principal Name (SPN) with Azure Active Directory using Portal”